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Christine Trinh, RN 26 Portland, OR Working with Elina has been a really insightful experience. Prior to starting our coaching sessions, I was feeling unfulfilled in certain areas of my life but wasn’t sure how to address it. I was lacking motivation to make a change. Through our sessions, Elina brought new and thoughtful perspectives that helped me sort through the blocks in my life and move towards a more fulfilling life. She was comforting and open but also upfront and honest in our conversations. We started our sessions with guided meditation, which I really enjoyed and have now started practicing in my spare time. Since completing our sessions, I have felt a weight come off my shoulders. I stress less, breathe easier, and overall have more energy and motivation to create the life that I want. I highly recommend her coaching services for anyone and everyone, no matter your background. I think we can all benefit from Elina’s knowledge, authenticity, and thoughtfulness.

Nicole S., RN 25 Portland, OR Before I met Elina, I was just starting my new med-surg job at a hospital, moved out of my parents’ house, and started a new relationship. I felt like I had so many new things in my life, yet I wasn’t where I wanted to be. Elina helped me take a step back and see what was truly important to me. She tapped into the real things that made me happy and helped me figure out what I needed to change in order to keep myself aligned with what truly fuels me in life. She facilitated a change in the relationships I had to better attain my goals in life, and helped me realize my passion for children and wanting to further my education. Now I have healthy relationships, I am in the process of applying to Pediatric Nurse Practitioner programs, and I’m moving back home to save more money. Elina does an amazing job at allowing you to find your inner peace and to follow what your heart desires. She helps put everything into perspective in life and is someone who holds you accountable to your own goals and dreams. I think everyone could use a coach like her to keep you accountable in life in order to do the things that truly make you happy.

Erika Busiel, RN, BSN When Elina offered me the opportunity to be coached by her, I didn't realize what a tough space I was actually in professionally. She turned out to be a little nursing angel, helping me to see the reality of my current work situation and the realization that I was more deserving of a better professional environment.  Elina helped me to restore my value, skill, expertise and the compassion that have guided my practice for the last 26 years. She helped me feel my nursing passion clearly again, as it was becoming foggy. My experience with Elina was such a positive and inspiring experience. I looked forward to our sessions and visiting with her. She has such a gentle loving soul and creates a calming, safe space to work with her clients. She has so much experience and professional insight to share and is an active listener. She gives effective, helpful sound advice and helps the client look inward and explore true thoughts and feelings. I also appreciate her approach to wellness, which involves mind, body and spirit. She is a seasoned nurse, but also a massage therapist and incorporates these practices into her environment.  I'd say that the most prominent benefit/result I received from this experience is having found my confidence and value again as a nurse. I have been a practicing nurse for 26 years and have always been highly regarded and appreciated for my nursing skills and the ability to effectively help my patients physically, emotionally and mentally. I have worked in many settings and with challenging patient populations, most recently in a medical ER, and then a psychiatric ER where I was a charge nurse. It was really scary for me to have lost sight of all that I accomplished because of the emotional abuse that paralyzed me. She helped me restore my worth and inspired me to keep moving forward...perhaps in a new direction. She helped me explore what this might look like for myself, by helping me look within and question myself for what I really want out of my career and life. I love the approach that Elina takes to her work and the underlying mission she has for the nursing profession. Her philosophy is that if a nurse is living his/her best life,(physically, emotionally and mentally) it will allow that person to provide more focused, compassionate, well-rounded care. This approach then helps nurses be role models for the practice that we preach and will lift the care standards for the nursing paradigm as a whole. I was also reminded that change is to be embraced, especially when following one's dreams and goals. She opened my heart to the possibility of a new path, one that is most fulfilling to me. It is an intimidating but exciting thing to follow our hearts.  Yes! I would gladly recommend Elina's services, not only to nurses, but to any health care professional, caregiver or person questioning his or her professional purpose and overall, trying to live one's best life! Thank You, Elina!!

Ryan Maas, Paramedic (PA Student), 26 Portland, OR I had some confusion in my relationship and also have had health concerns regarding my dad. Things have gotten a lot better by having someone to talk to like Elina! She has given me a neutral ear to speak with and I absolutely am grateful and love the feedback she is able to give me during and at the end of our sessions. I am more confident with the directions of my path I choose to go on after speaking with her each time. My experience working with Elina have been nothing but positive! I loved and looked forward to the sessions we have had each time, and can’t be any more grateful than I already am for her. I love the guided meditations prior to the start of the session! It was definitely a high point for what I looked forward to. I have been given a clearer mind about my situation and knowing that change and acceptance can take time, but I cannot sacrifice my health and well-being in the process. I was re-introduced to what having a calming environment, relaxing ambience, and neutral ear can do for me. I feel great and each time we have talked, I only feel better! You are very good at what you do listening to others in providing appropriate feedback and alternatives to what I viewed as “the only way”. I am better today than when I was prior to our sessions and I thank you for that 🙂

We work with anyone looking for help

Mary Cha, 39 Oregon I have struggled with pain in my upper back and shoulder for 3 years. I made it a habit of seeing a massage therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist and physical therapist each time my symptoms flared up. All of these treatments were temporary and costly. When my next flare up happened a friend referred me to see Elina. Originally, I was only going in for massage therapy. Again, I was looking for temporary relief of my pain. After a few massage sessions with Elina she asked me if I would be open to trying something else to help with my situation. I agreed. She introduced me to nurse coaching. At this time, perhaps I already knew there was something rooted more deeply than just the physical pain I was feeling. I was overstressed, overworked, emotionally and mentally tired. I was struggling with work, feeling burnt out and just exhausted. I wasn’t spending enough time with my family. I didn't feel well. I think Elina sensed that there was more to my pain than just the physical part and wanted to help guide me to be aware of it so that I could understand it and learn how to have a better whole wellbeing. Working with Elina, I have learned techniques to help manage my pain thru exercise and self massage. Our sessions have educated me to be more aware of myself, my wellness both physically and emotionally. I became conscious. It's like, I knew what was wrong and how to heal, it's been there within me, but the coaching sessions provided the way for this information to surface. I am aware of what triggers my pain. I am aware of myself and what I don't do that causes my pain to flare up. Unfortunately, my pain still comes and goes. This is not something that I have mastered. I will continue to listen to everything that is happening in my life and around me to help me self heal. The new awareness I have has helped me be more patient with my children, taught me how to be calm, listen and make decisions in my life that will bring wellness to me and my family. I find myself on a daily basis, reflecting, listening. I can tell that I have made progress because I hear it in my children's voices, I can see it in their behaviors as well as in my husband and the pain that was once constant is now healing. I would recommend nurse coaching to friends, family, co-workers, anyone looking for alternatives to western medicine.I think someone who is experiencing dissatisfaction in treatment of current health, mental, emotional state could benefit from nurse coaching.

Danielle Aldinger, 40 Oregon Life before working with Elina had become this monotonous cycle of frustration and anger. I’m the stay home mom of two teens. We’d been home with each other for far too long due to quarantine and it was beginning to show. They weren’t listening or respecting what I asked of them and I was beginning to dislike my kids. Since they wouldn’t listen I would just ignore what I wanted done and stuff down the anger and frustration. Which turned me into a very unhappy and grouchy person. Elina helped me define what my role as a stay home mom is and what my purpose in that role is. Then she broke down how to communicate in a way that wasn’t arguing or fighting with my teens. Now, I’m more content and happier. Plus, my kitchen is kept clean and chores are finished regularly. Which means this mama is a happy camper! Working with Elina has helped me realize that I need to communicate what I want and/or expect in a relationship instead of ignoring it. Helping me realize that what I want or desire is worth taking a stand for and vocalizing has really allowed me to have fuller more meaningful relationships with everyone in my life. I highly recommend nurse coaching to anyone who is frustrated or stuck in a rut and wants things to change, but can’t see how to make it happen. Sometimes life is a little overwhelming and making the changes in your life doesn’t seem feasible, that’s when you call Elina and schedule your sessions. She’ll help and support you with hard truth in a loving and encouraging way. You will not regret making this a priority in your life!

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