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Accelerating Personal and Professional Growth for Nurses and YOU!

Registered Nurse Personal Growth and Wellness Guide Elina Solaita.jpeg

Hello, my name is Elina, your friendly Registered Nurse,
Personal Growth & Wellness Guide.

We offer you our safe environment for growth and healing.  Are you seeking greater fulfillment, deeper purpose, improved satisfaction in the healing workplace, and increased serenity?  Many of those we focus on serving are registered nurses, healers and or healthcare professionals.

As your nurse coach I can share my experience, support your journey and offer guidance in rediscovering what matters to you as a joyful person and “healer”.  My personal sessions provide practical insight about integrating your beliefs and principles into your personal and professional goals.


Unfortunately, many work spaces do not fully support a heartfelt approach providing best care or best practice for patient or practitioner.  Here we teach and learn together about caregivers' ability to deliver the deeply meaningful and compassionate support to themselves and others. Expressions like burnout, compassion fatigue and moral injury often emerge because of the the extent of passion and drive we experience within our chosen field.


Together we will reignite your unwavering passion to deliver health and wellness to your patients.  Our focus will be on the most vital element in the equation: YOU!


Nurses, consistently recognized as the nation's most trusted profession for over two decades, hold a significant responsibility in shaping the health and wellbeing of our nation and the world. Our thoughts, emotions, actions, behaviors, and personal lives profoundly impact the way our patients are inspired to embrace their own lives. 


Embark on a journey to rediscover the essential dimensions of health and wellness that hold significance for you. Explore how the principles of holistic nursing can serve as a guiding light for your soul, rekindling the flame that may be flickering within, ready to blaze brightly once more. 

Elina Solaita Serenity
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